Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

If only I could sleep like he does! (when he does let me sleep)

  Oh, I'm also very happy to announce that I have reached 100+ Followers on GFC and Twitter! Yay!


Lea Marie said...

Awe, how adorable :) Congrats on reaching your FC goal.

Life Happens said...

He is so cute! Hope you can get some sleep too!!

Gillian said...

It feels nice to change things up, doesn't it? Personally speaking, I recently changed my blog header, and it's made all the difference. Anyhow, I love the bright colors!

So you know, I'm newly following you back via GFC from "The Sundae Hop."

Gillian from Baby Talk without the Babble

DancingBorzoi said...

So cute! And I'm so envious. If I slept in that position, I would not be able to unbend my legs for a week.

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