Secondly, I always appreciate a blog author who often posts fresh, and new topics. Repetitive posting gets a little old.. Reading about the same topic every week becomes stale, and so I'll visit another blog to get something fresh.. So always remember that keeping each post unique and different will keep readers coming back to your blog for their reading pleasures :)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
What do you like to see in a blog?
Secondly, I always appreciate a blog author who often posts fresh, and new topics. Repetitive posting gets a little old.. Reading about the same topic every week becomes stale, and so I'll visit another blog to get something fresh.. So always remember that keeping each post unique and different will keep readers coming back to your blog for their reading pleasures :)
- Kelsie Harris said...
I pretty much agree with you. I love discovering new blogs. I like blogs with good content and parenting advice. Sometimes I like personal blogs with funny stories or something that I can relate to. I don't always agree with what people post, but I appreciate the fact that they are putting themselves out there knowing that not everyone shares the same views. They're just keeping it real. =)
November 12, 2011 at 10:45 AM
- Grandma Bonnie said...
I am actually follow and read many different themed blogs. I have many interests. I do agree I like to see new content often. it does not have to be every day but a few times a week will keep me coming back. I do stop following blogs when the writer does not bother to follow up on questions made in the comments section. I am a new follower from the Wild weekend hop. Hope you stop by and follow if you like.
November 12, 2011 at 4:56 PM
- Randa Derkson said...
I'm your newest follower on GFC. Would love a visit and follow back.
November 12, 2011 at 8:23 PM
- Unknown said...
Thanks for the post on blogging and the great information on making a more "friendly" blog. Hope you have a great week.
November 13, 2011 at 5:43 AM